
Every minute matters!

Attendance is of paramount importance at New Monument Primary School. Children need to attend school regularly in order to make excellent progress and become successful learners, prepared for the next stage in their educational journey. The whole school attendance target is 96% and above.

If a child’s attendance becomes a concern a member of the senior leadership team will have a meeting with parents and carers to identify the cause and offer appropriate support. The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer.

Please respect your child’s right to be in school, learning, every day!

If you wish to apply for a leave of absence for your child(ren), please collect a form from the school office or complete the form below. 

Application for Leave of Absence Form 


If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please ensure you let the school know on the first day of absence with a brief outline of their condition.  If we do not receive a reason as to why your child is absent, they may receive an unauthorised mark. Where possible please provide the school with medical evidence such as a doctor’s appointment card or letter, especially where children are absent for more than a few days.

For further information please see our school Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

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