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Admission Arrangements
Please note that children attending the Nursery at New Monument Primary WILL NOT automatically secure a Reception place at the school in the year that they turn aged 5. There is a separate admissions process to join Reception. Parents of children attending the Nursery needs to follow the Primary School Admissions Process, which is run by Surrey County Council (please see the Admissions section of the school website). Reception places will be offered based on the admissions criteria. No preferential treatment can be given to those attending the Nursery at New Monument Primary.
A booklet is produced annually by Surrey County Council, providing information about all primary schools in the county. Parents should complete the application form provided with the booklet and return it to the local authority for admission to reception at New Monument.
Prospective parents/carers are welcome to request a visit to the school prior to completing an application. Please phone the school office to arrange a tour. Before joining our reception class pupils are invited in for an induction programme (during July) and parents will meet the teaching staff to discuss the organisation of the year, the curriculum and any relevant information the parent would like to share with us. The school accepts applications for pupils to join other year groups providing spaces are available.
All applications for admission to year Reception, after the start of the academic year in September, and for years 1-6 will be treated as in-year admissions.
In-year admissions for New Monument Primary Academy are managed by Surrey County Council Admissions service. Applications for in-year admissions are made using the Surrey County Council centrally managed in-year application form via Surrey County Council (either through their website or by phoning 0300 200 1004).
If there are more applications than places available, places will be offered in accordance with the criteria listed below and in the following order of priority:
1. Looked after children.
2. Exceptional arrangements.
3. Siblings of existing pupils.
4. Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home.
5. Any other applicant.
Applicants may choose to seek places outside of their child's chronological year group. The Headteacher will make a decision based on the circumstances of each case. Applicants must state clearly why they feel admission to a different year group is in the child's best interest and provide evidence to support this. More information on educating children out of their chronological year group is available at
Admission Arrangements and Admission Consultation
The school is consulting to amend its admissions arrangements for 2026/2027 to incorporate a separate policy on the admission of children outside their normal age group. The consultation will run from 25th November 2024 to 6th January 2025 during which comments on the section that is subject to the consultation can be sent to: info@newmonument.surrey.sch.uk
Surrey County Council Admissions
Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025
Admissions Arrangements 2025 -2026Admissions Arrangements 2026 - 2027